Sunday, March 4, 2012

I wish I may I wish I might...

A Haiku to start this blog post off creatively with sophistication:

Aaron has left us
San Jose is so lonely
You suck Aaron Joo

Thank you thank you, please hold your applause until the end of the post:)

Well as that poem indicates, Ninjatuna has left for the motherland (very sad) but what’s new in my life besides that?  Last month and this month has brought a whirlwind of change…some bad and some good and I feel overwhelmed that the start of this year 2012 has already been hectic. One main thing is that I feel as though school has taken over as spring semester has picked up and because of that I now have to plan everything around school.  I miss break when I got to plan everything around time spent with friends ( like “The Renika” and “The Consuelo” as Ninjatuna calls them).   In the midst of all the chaos I’ve realized one insanely important thing: read my bible!  Oh the difference it makes when I start my day off right…soaking in the word.  I have to remind myself to dig deeper and pray harder every day!  Focus on God and everything will fall into place<3
ANYWAY..movin forward!  While in Korea my arch-nemesis/avid blogger has already written two brand new very witty and fun blog posts…while here in sunny California, I have written a total   I blame it on school (since I of course spend every moment of my free time studying…not reading, facebooking or watching movies/HIMYM>.< ).

Okay so our newest challenge was to think of three wishes that we would love to be granted for us if we were the master of an all-powerful Genie (like in Aladin! <- one d) and here’s what I came up with:

Zero to Hero...JUST LIKE THAT

1.      My first wish is for the ability to easily interchange between my regular half Japanese/Mexican form to a super Katy Perry form (this would work kind of like Spiderman but without a tight elastic suit that’s covered in a  web like design...though Katy Perry has probably work something creepily similar to what I just described).  This way I could go to school normally and be myself but when in need of a dose of hot-ness…I could instantly change POW.  Maybe if I want really good seating at an ocean view restaurant…haha:)

    My second wish would be for photographic memory! I always think that that would be sooo handy!  Can you imagine being able to go to lectures or reading textbooks once and being able to memorize information without even studying (I’m obviously a college student haha)! It’s like...every test would be open book in your mind! Woah! And then I could get a job as a special agent or detective or something and be Ethan Hunt, John McClain, Marin Riggs, or Olivia Benson on SVU:) *dun dun* <- that was the weird law and order sound effect.  I’d be SOO COOOOL (that reminds me of the Asian kid on school of rock… “I’m not cool enough”).

Get it Harry!
       My third wish would be to be able to jump into any book…at any part and be able to jump back into the real world anytime.  Can you IMAGINE being able to witness Gryffindor totally crush Slytherin at a quidditch match, watching Katniss dump a tracker jacker nest on the career’s heads, observing as Alex Cross spends hours mulling over fine details and observations to solve a seemingly impossible case, or walking through the magnificent cemetery of forgotten books and waiting for the right book to choose you?!  Just thinking about that gives me the chills (the super excited kind)! Oh and if you understood all of those references…I’m pretty sure we can be best friends:)
Those are my three wishes…it’d be so crazy if a genie really did exist and all of those came true!  If you haven’t already, go check out what Ninjatuna wished for!  He also wrote a new post about his experiences as he headed off to Korea!  Keep him in your prayers…though he’s already having an amazing time partying it up with new friends:)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Thinking, Joy, Korea, and Maggie Q.

Well, I’ve already started and erased the beginning of my blog about…4 times now…and seem to be struggling so let me start by saying happy new year 2012!  I can hardly believe the new year is here but to be honest…I’m relieved. After my post-Christmas depression (it’s a real thing guys. I go through it every year) slowly wore off as I stuffed all things Christmas into boxes to be put into the attic, I realized I once again get a fresh new start.  Every year on January 1st I think to myself “This year I’m going to do everything right and make it the best year ever!” and though when Dec 31st rolls around I realize just how much I did wrong during the year, I am still determined to make this year the best year ever! Sure I’ll face some sad times, some painful times and some hardships…but I still think I can make it a great year. Don’t you?  SO here are four “new years resolutions” to start the new year right!
1.      THINK:  I am very much an “I feel” person.  I am so easily swayed by my heart and though I do think that quality does make me, me I want to make more of an effort this year to just stop and think for a minute.  Whether it be to take a second (or a day) to cool down before talking to someone who hurt me, or taking an hour (or 10 days) to ponder whether that “in love” feeling that I have is purely infatuation…it’s time for me to start using the noggin that my God gave me. I will without a doubt still allow myself to feel, but I know I need to find a good balance between the two.
2.      Focus on the positives:  Though I don’t believe I’m a super duper negative person I think I really want to make a 100% effort to focus on the positives this year.  This could be the positives in a person (so not being nitpicky or judgmental), positives in school (how blessed I am to study what I love), positive about the future (Honestly, I can have the desires of my heart so I gotta have some hope) and just positives in every aspect of my life!  Oh even seeing the positives in myself (recognizing my strengths and acknowledging and understanding how to work on my weaknesses).
3.      Find joy in everything: I want to feel joy in absolutely everything!!!  I think things like past hurts, or school stress, or personal relationship hardships sometimes get me down but I really want to focus on the joy that life brings.  I want to find joy in studying, Find joy in who I have become, find joy in my hobbies (reading yay!) and find joy in every minute I get to spend with the ones I love and care so deeply for!  My life is such a joy!
4.      Voice it!  I am a very passive person and though I do sometimes say what I gotta say(not enough), a lot of times I bottle things up and try to sort things out myself. I want to work on letting people know where I stand in a helpful, healthy, effective way.  Maybe I need to put my foot down in an unhealthy relationship, or share with a close friend, my family or God about how I’m hurting…I must start voicing what’s going on in my head so that I don’t need to inwardly fight every battle bymyself.
So there are my four resolutions for the year:)   the start of this year has been...interesting to say the least but I know I can make it the best year yet and so can you!
For those of you that don’t know, my arch nemesis Ninjatuna is in fact moving to the “motherland” (that would be Korea) in about a month.  This is a person that I am used to having lunch with twice a week, talking to everyday, laughing with, venting to, getting frustrated with, joking with, studying with, teasing, watching movies with, singing in the car with and spending time with…so though I must admit I am really sad that he will be gone, I am so so so SO excited for what amazing new experiences Korea has in store for him!  Though I know it’s scary and you feel nervous, keep your mind and heart open: Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9.  Grow from it and be amazing!
Oh and for our avid fans…do not worry, we will continue to blog even with Ninjatuna gone away to Korea:)
Speaking of read about flying cows, his resolutions and much more go to his blog!  It’s awesome!
P.s. Maggie Q. is so very sexy and though she isn't in the new MI movie...I'd be her if I could be any character in an action flick!
Hot chicks can shoot guns too!

Friday, December 16, 2011

If a Zombie Ate Pizza Would He or She Enjoy It?

The time of the year that every college student dreads called the end of the semester (aka finals time), has finally passed and has made way for the most wonderful time of the year (aka stress free Christmas time)!   The time of pretty lights and sparking trees, of warm apple cider and sweet minty candy canes. The time of giving…so my gift to you is this lovely blog post…oh no no, no need to thank me, it’s my pleasure.  You’re welcome world!
So as you saw on Ninjatuna’s blog post (like 3 posts ago…jeez I’m super duper behind) our newest mission was to think of three things we love and three things we hate.  Now I was the one who suggested this topic, and I have to admit that I might have had a harder time thinking of six things than my arch-nemesis Ninjatuna did…I racked my brain looking for just the right six things and went through millions of items in my head. 
The possibilities were endless…what in the world should I choose? What do I love? What do I hate?
I do love ice cream… too fattening
I really like tigers… too ferocious
I don’t really like the movie “The Notebook”… too depressing, filed with crying and kinda mean to James Marsden’s character…cause common he was a really really nice guy and can even sing really well.  Do you not like men who can sing Rachel Mcadams?! (for examples of beautiful singing please see Hairspray and Enchanted…which are much better movies anyway…hehe...don’t be offended ladies)
I love Katy Perry…too smoking hot?
I hate burning my tongue…but that’s too painful
I am absolutely in love with Hello kitty…maybe that’s too happy
OH! I reallllly love Sirius Black from the Harry Potter series…but that’s too serious (HAHA see what I did there?)
So after going through every single little option I had in my sweet little brain I have decided on my final six…prepare to be amazed!
Things I love:
1.    Books.  Reading is by far my favorite pastime probably in the whole wide world.  Books are magical to me…they transport me to different worlds, make me feel like different characters, allow me to interact with characters that I can only dream of meeting, and make me experience sights and sound and emotions that are oh so real and wonderful.  They’re just pure magic!  Though my list of favorite books can just go on and on, I’ll keep going with his theme of “three” and say my tope 3 books: The Shadow of The Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zaffon (beautifully written...a must read), The Shack by William Young (I’ve written a blog post about a quote from this book...this book will fill you with joy) and Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling (now I like every single Harry Potter book but this is the book that I can read over and over and still be shocked by everything that happens!  I gasp, I cry, I dance of happiness…I do it all! ).
2.    Cookies.  Really must I say more?  They taste great with milk and they’re just…pure baked joy!  They seem to be especially delicious during Christmas time especially with the assortment of flavors and candies people think of putting in them this time of year!  Oh…but I hate raisins in my cookies…yucky!
3.    Princess Tiana from the Disney movie The Princess and The Frog.  Now this one may seem random and out of place…especially cause it’s a character instead of an object like the other two but let me explain.  I love this Disney princess because I feel that she is the first princess that is not sitting on her pretty little butt for a prince to save her, isn’t at all ditzy, and is willing to work hard to get where she wants to be.  One of my favorite quotes from any Disney movie come from her movie: “Fairytales can come true, but you’ve gotta make it happen, it all depends on you”.  Sure you can have a happily ever after but not without some goals and hard work!
Things I Hate:
1.    Cleaning.  It isn’t fun.
2.    People that are socially awkward or bad listeners (if you’re both it’s doubly bad haha).  Okay I don’t HATE this but I just really appreciate people who can be good socially and be good listeners!  I like people to hold their own in social situations: this would look like being able to introduce yourself, strike up good conversations, thoughtfully answer questions being asked to you, politely disagree if you do not agree with something said, respond calmly and remain collected, being able to order your own food, not awkwardly giggling or fixing your hair or whatever, and having very good eye-contact.  I also love me some good listeners: people who will reciprocate questions being asked to them, who make eye contact while you’re talking and actively nod and affirm what you say, think about what has been said and make thoughtful comments, empathize or sympathize with the person talking and just giving the person talking full 100% of their attention.  I am NOT in any way saying that I’m perfect in these areas but I really like people who consciously work on this stuff like I do!
3.    Raisins in my cookies...betcha didn’t see that one coming!
So there ya have it:) you’re gift has now been given to you!  I hope you sorta enjoy it (even the weird ranting at the end…)
Have a wonderful Christmas…don’t eat too many cookies…especially with raisins in them!
Please take a look at Ninjatuna's'll make your day merry and bright:
Why so SIRIUS?!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Aaron's Dream~ a heartwarming poem by secret asian

This is a story
that you never have heard
about an orange rhinoceros
though that may seem absurd.
His name was Aaron
and he had a dream,
but please don’t judge him
as odd as it may seem.
Rhinos dream too
though you may never know it,
they appear tough skinned
so they just never show it.
This young rhino
 dreamed of the day
that he would wear a pink tutu
and join the ballet!
He could see himself now
bedazzled on the stage
in sequins and rhinestones
you know, they’re all the rage!
He had one slight problem;
he was not yet aware
of his gargantuan size
and how it gave people a scare.
The reality hit him
one day when he saw
a flyer for a dance school
posted on the wall.
He ran to the theater
 so excited to audition
they said “do swan lake”
so he did HIS rendition.
Here we go! He shouted
as he leaped and he twirled
he knew he was great
he was on top of the world!
Stop! Stop! Yelled the instructors,
this just won’t do
you’re much too big Aaron
we don’t want you…
With his heart completely torn
Aaron left to head home
and he thought to himself
“I’m completely alone”

But…Aaron’s really good at piano
so for the fourth year running
he was voted best pianist ever
Bet you didn’t see that coming

for another lovely tale, visit ninjatuna's blog:
It will make all your ballet dreams come true!

Monday, September 5, 2011


You’re probably expecting another marvelously and startlingly entertaining food battle between me and the one they call ninjatuna (my arch nemesis) but…this is different kind of blog post (ZOMG (in the words of my arch nemesis)! Mind blowing! Twist ending!!!).  THAT was an attention grabber…because now you just wanna keep right on reading…gotcha…check and mate.

So have you ever had one of those instances when you’re watching a movie and you think to yourself, “Woah, if I were to ever be a character in a movie...that would be ME!”  I know I’ve had that thought many atime…especially in any movie in which Zooey Deschanel plays a role…I mean look at me…anywaysss…

So one of those instances got me thinkin’…if my arch nemesis, ninjatuna, were to ever star in a movie…what kind of a character would HE be? *insert dream sequence music as I ascend into the world of my imagination*

Do you hear that? It’s the sound of a catchy secret agent theme song: quiet yet bold, catchy yet unfamiliar.   A dark character appears dressed all in black...his entire face covered except his alert eyes that are darting about as he quietly sneaks into a building.  The door hardly makes a sound as he cautiously swings it open and crawls inside.   He is but a shadow in the mist (I don’t know why there’s mist in the building with me here).  He uses his sharp unfailing ninja senses to maneuver around in the unmerciful darkness that swallows him like a pacman swallowing one of those lit up little dot things*waka waka waka* before a ghost eats him up and he dies *boo woo woo woo womp womp*. And then he spots it…his target...the one he was sent to destroy.  They make eye contact for a single beat and his heart stops.  Those cold dark emotionless eyes could only belong to one that represents true evil.  He’s the first to act as he whips out his shuriken (ninja stars for all you people who lack ninja knowledge) and aims directly at his opponents neck. BAM BAM. He hits with perfect accuracy and the Hello Kitty plushie falls decapitated at his feet. One down…millions to go. 
When Sanrio first started, their products seemed adorably harmless.  They made millions happy around the world, helping them in both good times and bad; but that all changed in the year 2020.  The machines…I mean Sanrio products rose up against humankind and vowed to take over the world with their cuteness.  Only one can stop them now: Ninjoo. But his mission to rid the world of Sanrio products isn’t over… to be continued…

So there you have it! Ninjatuna would be a secret agent ninja sent on a mission to rid the world of Sanrio products.

Well, when I discussed this topic with him he had some other ideas.  He told me that he thinks he should be a supa coo unstoppable driver in a street racing movie (like fast five…which had some awesome driving in it).  Ok well…I can see that but…common ninjatuna let’s look at the facts: we all know you’re a ninja (duh), your Acura (though gorgeous…with a pretty interior...and awesome gps system...and etc) is not going to make it in the racing world, anddd…you dislike sanrio products.  The character I chose for you…wins hands down.  Sorry bud! Better luck next time…

Well, that’s all I got, but if you’d like to see the character that ninjatuna chose for me, check out his blog!:)  It’s supa coo!
"MUAHAHA I shall take over the WORLD!!!"

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Like a BEAST!

WOW! I haven’t written in forever and ever…I’m so sorry to all my fans and avid followers out there. It must have been painful to live without reading one of these heartwarming posts for so long!
…oh wait a second…I only have like 3 followers :( eh.
Anyway I have come back to just share about an issue that’s been on my heart for just a really long time.  You know how some people will just put up with really terrible things because it’s the status quo? The cool thing to do?  The cat’s pajamas?  That’s just terrible…and our society has forced people to just do uncivilized and unnecessary things to be “normal”.
         What’s a good example of this sad reality you ask?  Well…so many intelligent and just genuine people I know have been falling into a dark, terrible, gross, sugary path to diabetes as of late:
the horrid path of choosing coke/Pepsi over diet coke/Pepsi.
Can I get a YUCK?! Have you ever actually taken a sip of regular coke/ Pepsi before?  Well if you haven’t, let me give you a little mental picture of what it’s like, okay?
Close your eyes (well actually keep them open so you can read the rest of this blog)…and imagine this:
Imagine a glass of the most delicious drink you can think of.  Maybe for you it’s beer, maybe it’s chocolate milk, maybe it’s iced tea…or maybe it’s beerchocolatemilkicedtea: whatever it is imagine taking a sip of it. Enjoy the feeling of it hitting your tongue and doing a little cha cha with your taste buds…let it trickle down your throat into your growling tummy. Taste the splendor…sense the deliciousness.
Then, just as you go for another drink…
imagine me pouring in 10 lbs of sugar…like really strong sugar…
 and before you can stop me imagine me tipping back the cup and making you swallow the concoction. I hope your imaginary self spat that right back out cause that is so NASTY and that, my friends, is exactly what regular Pepsi/coke tastes like!
Not only is it super icky…tons of others agree with me when I say that DIET is the way to go…here let me list a few that you may recognize:
YO! I'm holdin' a DC!
#1 Shia Labeouf:
He can fight off car/robot/machines with Megan Fox(and her terrible acting), conquer aliens with Indiana Jones( yea…Harrison Ford is like an old geezer now), spy on his murderer of a neighbor(SPOILER ALERT) and drink a diet coke all in one day…uh can you say suave?
#2 Jackie Chan:  I’ll bet you he doesn’t look at regular coke like that!


#3 Paula Abdul:   she may be high when judging on American idol but….ok bad example…scratch that.
#4 Katy Perry:   She can bust out monster dance moves, make amazing music videos, sport some outrageous outfits and sing like a beast (see where the blog title came from?) all while drinking diet…actually…I have no idea if she likes diet sodas…I just think she’s pretty and wanted to put her picture in this blog...

hehe we're twins!

And what the heck Zooey Deschanel trying to steal her identity! SO weird how they’re like twins! Look at thqt! It’s insanity! OH OH OH! Did you hear Zooey is gonna have a new show?! Oh I am so stoked…seriously it’s going to be so funny and great. CANNOT WAIT! :) Anyway…
SEE?! My point is that cool kids drink diet.
Be a cool kid. Say no to drugs. And regular coke and Pepsi. Gross.
not a cool kid? don't agree? fine...go read for another perspective!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Penguin Backpacks

Just the other day…I was talking to a friend and he was telling me how he was having some health issues as of late.
Yes, he said with a crestfallen face, I’ve been feeling bloated after meals, gaining weight very rapidly, feeling slow and sluggish, and having tons of energy and then crashing. Wow…I replied with a sigh…that sounds dreadfully tough.  He looked at me with a miserable look in his eyes. Yes, Mari. It really really is. 
He then reached into his bag and pulled out a burrito.
 Okay, I thought, I most definitely eat when I’m depressed so who am I to judge? Plus, you can’t beat a burrito…but after he took just one small bite of his burrito I knew immediately where all of his grief and sadness stemmed from…his problem was overindulgence in carbs…
NOOOOO I screamed as I ran towards him and tackled him to the ground. His mouth formed a surprised O as he plummeted towards the sidewalk in slow motion, losing his grip on the evil burrito.  We slammed on the ground and gasped as we saw what was left of what used to be his precious burrito: the protective tortilla shell completely burst with rice everywhere…orange sauce dripping in a growing pool of blood...i mean sauce.  It was a gruesome site.
Completely true story.
Ok maybeee not but I am completely convinced that this could in fact happen.
  Rice in burritos is a frequently seen problem in society today!  Not only does it cause health problems (see marginally non fictional story above), dislike for Sanrio products (which is otherwise known as insanity) and brain damage, it’s being unfair and oppressive to the other ingredients in the burrito.
Think about it.
 If you get a Carneasada burrito, carneasada should be the main, dominant ingredient in the burrito.  The delicious taste of well cooked juicy meat should overpower your mouth and make your taste buds jump for joy (did your mouth not just water???)  Well have you been to chipotle? I’m pretty sure that in their burritos there’s about 1 piece of meat to every one pound of rice.  This is what you call injustice (and a rip-off because I’m pretty sure rice is cheaper than meat…just sayin’).
PLUS there are so many things better than rice in burritos…to name a few:
Betsy Johnson dresses…YES!
Penguin Backpacks (as seen in awesome photo courtesy of Mari’s personal Bag collection)

Hello kitty anything
Game boy color
The brand new H&M that opened at Oakridge mall
Orange sapphire scent at Bath and body works
And the list goes on and on.
So for all of you rice burrito loving people out there…do not be influenced by society and pop culture…follow your heart about what is true and pure…and better tasting/for your health.
Chose penguin backpacks not rice burritos…
Don't agree with me? check out and then conclude my argument is much better:)