Sunday, March 4, 2012

I wish I may I wish I might...

A Haiku to start this blog post off creatively with sophistication:

Aaron has left us
San Jose is so lonely
You suck Aaron Joo

Thank you thank you, please hold your applause until the end of the post:)

Well as that poem indicates, Ninjatuna has left for the motherland (very sad) but what’s new in my life besides that?  Last month and this month has brought a whirlwind of change…some bad and some good and I feel overwhelmed that the start of this year 2012 has already been hectic. One main thing is that I feel as though school has taken over as spring semester has picked up and because of that I now have to plan everything around school.  I miss break when I got to plan everything around time spent with friends ( like “The Renika” and “The Consuelo” as Ninjatuna calls them).   In the midst of all the chaos I’ve realized one insanely important thing: read my bible!  Oh the difference it makes when I start my day off right…soaking in the word.  I have to remind myself to dig deeper and pray harder every day!  Focus on God and everything will fall into place<3
ANYWAY..movin forward!  While in Korea my arch-nemesis/avid blogger has already written two brand new very witty and fun blog posts…while here in sunny California, I have written a total   I blame it on school (since I of course spend every moment of my free time studying…not reading, facebooking or watching movies/HIMYM>.< ).

Okay so our newest challenge was to think of three wishes that we would love to be granted for us if we were the master of an all-powerful Genie (like in Aladin! <- one d) and here’s what I came up with:

Zero to Hero...JUST LIKE THAT

1.      My first wish is for the ability to easily interchange between my regular half Japanese/Mexican form to a super Katy Perry form (this would work kind of like Spiderman but without a tight elastic suit that’s covered in a  web like design...though Katy Perry has probably work something creepily similar to what I just described).  This way I could go to school normally and be myself but when in need of a dose of hot-ness…I could instantly change POW.  Maybe if I want really good seating at an ocean view restaurant…haha:)

    My second wish would be for photographic memory! I always think that that would be sooo handy!  Can you imagine being able to go to lectures or reading textbooks once and being able to memorize information without even studying (I’m obviously a college student haha)! It’s like...every test would be open book in your mind! Woah! And then I could get a job as a special agent or detective or something and be Ethan Hunt, John McClain, Marin Riggs, or Olivia Benson on SVU:) *dun dun* <- that was the weird law and order sound effect.  I’d be SOO COOOOL (that reminds me of the Asian kid on school of rock… “I’m not cool enough”).

Get it Harry!
       My third wish would be to be able to jump into any book…at any part and be able to jump back into the real world anytime.  Can you IMAGINE being able to witness Gryffindor totally crush Slytherin at a quidditch match, watching Katniss dump a tracker jacker nest on the career’s heads, observing as Alex Cross spends hours mulling over fine details and observations to solve a seemingly impossible case, or walking through the magnificent cemetery of forgotten books and waiting for the right book to choose you?!  Just thinking about that gives me the chills (the super excited kind)! Oh and if you understood all of those references…I’m pretty sure we can be best friends:)
Those are my three wishes…it’d be so crazy if a genie really did exist and all of those came true!  If you haven’t already, go check out what Ninjatuna wished for!  He also wrote a new post about his experiences as he headed off to Korea!  Keep him in your prayers…though he’s already having an amazing time partying it up with new friends:)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Thinking, Joy, Korea, and Maggie Q.

Well, I’ve already started and erased the beginning of my blog about…4 times now…and seem to be struggling so let me start by saying happy new year 2012!  I can hardly believe the new year is here but to be honest…I’m relieved. After my post-Christmas depression (it’s a real thing guys. I go through it every year) slowly wore off as I stuffed all things Christmas into boxes to be put into the attic, I realized I once again get a fresh new start.  Every year on January 1st I think to myself “This year I’m going to do everything right and make it the best year ever!” and though when Dec 31st rolls around I realize just how much I did wrong during the year, I am still determined to make this year the best year ever! Sure I’ll face some sad times, some painful times and some hardships…but I still think I can make it a great year. Don’t you?  SO here are four “new years resolutions” to start the new year right!
1.      THINK:  I am very much an “I feel” person.  I am so easily swayed by my heart and though I do think that quality does make me, me I want to make more of an effort this year to just stop and think for a minute.  Whether it be to take a second (or a day) to cool down before talking to someone who hurt me, or taking an hour (or 10 days) to ponder whether that “in love” feeling that I have is purely infatuation…it’s time for me to start using the noggin that my God gave me. I will without a doubt still allow myself to feel, but I know I need to find a good balance between the two.
2.      Focus on the positives:  Though I don’t believe I’m a super duper negative person I think I really want to make a 100% effort to focus on the positives this year.  This could be the positives in a person (so not being nitpicky or judgmental), positives in school (how blessed I am to study what I love), positive about the future (Honestly, I can have the desires of my heart so I gotta have some hope) and just positives in every aspect of my life!  Oh even seeing the positives in myself (recognizing my strengths and acknowledging and understanding how to work on my weaknesses).
3.      Find joy in everything: I want to feel joy in absolutely everything!!!  I think things like past hurts, or school stress, or personal relationship hardships sometimes get me down but I really want to focus on the joy that life brings.  I want to find joy in studying, Find joy in who I have become, find joy in my hobbies (reading yay!) and find joy in every minute I get to spend with the ones I love and care so deeply for!  My life is such a joy!
4.      Voice it!  I am a very passive person and though I do sometimes say what I gotta say(not enough), a lot of times I bottle things up and try to sort things out myself. I want to work on letting people know where I stand in a helpful, healthy, effective way.  Maybe I need to put my foot down in an unhealthy relationship, or share with a close friend, my family or God about how I’m hurting…I must start voicing what’s going on in my head so that I don’t need to inwardly fight every battle bymyself.
So there are my four resolutions for the year:)   the start of this year has been...interesting to say the least but I know I can make it the best year yet and so can you!
For those of you that don’t know, my arch nemesis Ninjatuna is in fact moving to the “motherland” (that would be Korea) in about a month.  This is a person that I am used to having lunch with twice a week, talking to everyday, laughing with, venting to, getting frustrated with, joking with, studying with, teasing, watching movies with, singing in the car with and spending time with…so though I must admit I am really sad that he will be gone, I am so so so SO excited for what amazing new experiences Korea has in store for him!  Though I know it’s scary and you feel nervous, keep your mind and heart open: Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9.  Grow from it and be amazing!
Oh and for our avid fans…do not worry, we will continue to blog even with Ninjatuna gone away to Korea:)
Speaking of read about flying cows, his resolutions and much more go to his blog!  It’s awesome!
P.s. Maggie Q. is so very sexy and though she isn't in the new MI movie...I'd be her if I could be any character in an action flick!
Hot chicks can shoot guns too!