WOW! I haven’t written in forever and ever…I’m so sorry to all my fans and avid followers out there. It must have been painful to live without reading one of these heartwarming posts for so long!
…oh wait a second…I only have like 3 followers :( eh.
Anyway I have come back to just share about an issue that’s been on my heart for just a really long time. You know how some people will just put up with really terrible things because it’s the status quo? The cool thing to do? The cat’s pajamas? That’s just terrible…and our society has forced people to just do uncivilized and unnecessary things to be “normal”.
What’s a good example of this sad reality you ask? Well…so many intelligent and just genuine people I know have been falling into a dark, terrible, gross, sugary path to diabetes as of late:
the horrid path of choosing coke/Pepsi over diet coke/Pepsi.
Can I get a YUCK?! Have you ever actually taken a sip of regular coke/ Pepsi before? Well if you haven’t, let me give you a little mental picture of what it’s like, okay?
Close your eyes (well actually keep them open so you can read the rest of this blog)…and imagine this:
Imagine a glass of the most delicious drink you can think of. Maybe for you it’s beer, maybe it’s chocolate milk, maybe it’s iced tea…or maybe it’s beerchocolatemilkicedtea: whatever it is imagine taking a sip of it. Enjoy the feeling of it hitting your tongue and doing a little cha cha with your taste buds…let it trickle down your throat into your growling tummy. Taste the splendor…sense the deliciousness.
Then, just as you go for another drink…
imagine me pouring in 10 lbs of sugar…like really strong sugar…
and before you can stop me imagine me tipping back the cup and making you swallow the concoction. I hope your imaginary self spat that right back out cause that is so NASTY and that, my friends, is exactly what regular Pepsi/coke tastes like!
Not only is it super icky…tons of others agree with me when I say that DIET is the way to go…here let me list a few that you may recognize:
YO! I'm holdin' a DC! |
#1 Shia Labeouf:
He can fight off car/robot/machines with Megan Fox(and her terrible acting), conquer aliens with Indiana Jones( yea…Harrison Ford is like an old geezer now), spy on his murderer of a neighbor(SPOILER ALERT) and drink a diet coke all in one day…uh can you say suave?
#2 Jackie Chan: I’ll bet you he doesn’t look at regular coke like that!
lalalalala..what? |
#3 Paula Abdul: she may be high when judging on American idol but….ok bad example…scratch that.
#4 Katy Perry: She can bust out monster dance moves, make amazing music videos, sport some outrageous outfits and sing like a beast (see where the blog title came from?) all while drinking diet…actually…I have no idea if she likes diet sodas…I just think she’s pretty and wanted to put her picture in this blog...
hehe we're twins! |
And what the heck Zooey Deschanel trying to steal her identity! SO weird how they’re like twins! Look at thqt! It’s insanity! OH OH OH! Did you hear Zooey is gonna have a new show?! Oh I am so stoked…seriously it’s going to be so funny and great. CANNOT WAIT! :) Anyway…
SEE?! My point is that cool kids drink diet.
Be a cool kid. Say no to drugs. And regular coke and Pepsi. Gross.
not a cool kid? don't agree? fine...go read for another perspective!
not a cool kid? don't agree? fine...go read for another perspective!
Except aspartame leaves the taste of bull poopies in ones mouth. you forgot to mention that before I tried diet Dr. Pepper! >.< almost ruined the taste of regular Dr. Pepper for me FOREVER!!!!